
Thursday, April 19, 2018

9 Building Blocks of Personal Empowerment

Enhancing your own sense of personal empowerment will ensure you live a
fulfilling Life. Print out & work your way through this process to build your reserves
of personal strength. You’ll solve problems, work harder, Love more, & achieve your dreams!

1.) Resolve to succeed:

On a scale of 1-10, with 1 = the lowest & 10 = the highest, how would you
rate your level of self-confidence? _______________ 

If your score is lower than 7, take an inventory of your positive characteristics.

What do you do really well?

What does the word “success” mean to you?

Now, personalize it. In order for you to classify yourself as “successful,” what
would you be doing?

2.) Believe positive things will happen:

What are the chances that you’ll achieve your Life goals?

Name 3 people whom you see as positive & successful.

What is it they do that makes you label them as “positive?”

3.) Keep your dreams fresh:

What are *your* dreams for your Life?

Do you do something each day to move toward accomplishing your Life goals?
If not, conceptualize what things may jump start the progression.

What will you do today, tomorrow, & the next day to progress toward
your dream Life?

Name 3 people you can talk to about your Life goals.

4.) Change your Mind to change your Life:

How do you feel about your Life right now?

What would you like to change about your Life?

Select one thing you want to change and do a pros/cons list on it below.



What change will you make first and when will you start the change?

5.) Take action: go after what you want:

□ Share your dreams for the future with your partner or a close friend
and then check this box.

□ What personal work could you do that’s related to some of your Life
dreams? Undertake some of that personal work & then check this box.

What kind of support will you require to go after what you want in Life?

Who can you physically ask for that support?

Create a step-by-step list to achieve the Life of your dreams. Start with the
first thing you want to do, then the second, & the third and so on.


6.) Be willing to work hard:

What complaints do you have about your job?

Can you do anything to change these things? If so, write it here.

If changing these things isn’t in your Power, can you resolve within yourself that
you’ll let go of the complaints?

What can you do to step up your work performance?

7.) Do something: starting small is better than not starting at all:

Take a Leap of Faith & do one thing to move toward your dreams. What will it be?

Are fears preventing you from working on your Life goals? If so, why?

Make a promise to yourself related to your dreams.

8.) Keep moving forward:

Make a list of the daily, weekly, & monthly tasks you’ll do in working toward
your goals. Look at your schedule now. Block off time each week to proceed
with your new Life. You’re worth it.

9.) Avoid giving away your Power:

What was the most recent personal crisis you experienced?

How did you handle it?

Have you given your Power away in the past by thinking, “I’ll never be happy
now” or “My Life can never be what I want it to be because of ...”

If so, explain.

What will you do to avoid giving away your Power to others?

Delve into your Life’s greatest passions & pursue them with a vengeance.
When you empower yourself, you’ll have all the tools you need to construct the
Life of your fondest dreams. There’s no better time to get started than now!